Web application supporting our study material repository. Based on Spring Boot and written in Kotlin.
Read moreCreated by members of KSI Computer Science Students' Association.
Under active development by our members.
Web application supporting our study material repository. Based on Spring Boot and written in Kotlin.
Read moreA newcomers guide to studying on the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies of Jagiellonian University.
Read moreDeployed to production... and requiring a fix from time to time.
The Electronic Registration Center managing association memberships and member permissions. Written using Django and Vue.js.
Read moreWeb printing application based on Django allowing quick and secure printer usage from web browser.
Read moreElectronic door lock system for our premises - open doors with your student ID card.
Read moreCentral authentication for all KSI UJ web services.
Our main server and base for other projects.
Deprecated/dissembled, but still interesting.
Prusa i3 built by KSI. Unfortunately it broke some time ago. UPDATE: in October of 2023 we received a new unit from the Faculty!
What you can do with a bunch of old machines? Build an experimental computer cluster!
Legends say that it still can be found somewhere in the association HQ - the official KSI card game - started, but never finished.